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Healing and Deliverance Toll Free Hotline:1-800-857-7089 .CALL NOW
September 2024 SMS
September 2024 SMS
The School of the Holy Spirit
7:00 pm Every Monday
# Living Word
#Divine Intimacy
#Healing and Deliverance
#Power Encounters and More
Watch anointed videos by following this link.
Raising up more and more Jesus like disciples to affect the nations for Christ with Kingdom Dominion.
Healing Moments Radio Ministry.
Healing and Deliverance Prayer Request.
Getting every member increasingly filled with and led by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus died to save us from sin and from the kingdom of darkness. You can become saved today by calling upon Jesus for your salvation. To be born again please pray the following prayer with all of your heart right now.
"Oh God, I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and I confess that He is alive today. I hereby receive Him as my personal Lord and Saviour now and forever. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
CALL FOR PRAYER NOW. 1-800-857-7089
H&D Welcome - Israel Jimah
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Can I watch videos of your ministry?Yes, you can watch our vidoes by clicking our video on demand link right here on the this website and also by visiting our Youtube Channel (Victorious Saints Deliverance Church) Kindly subscribe so you will know when we release new videos.
What are the weekly services and programs of Victorious Saints Deliverance Church?Teusday : Moment of Hope on Facebook Live from church Facebook page. 7pm Pacific Time. Wednesday : Healing and Deliverance Service at 7pm Sunday : Worship service at 10am Home bible study every other Monday at 6pm
How can I make a donation to support Israel Jimah World Outreach programs?You can easily make your donations on our home page and our donation page with any standard credit or debit card from anywhere in the world. We also receive donations through Paypal address : Within the US and Canada donations can also be made payable to and mailed in to our church office Victorious Saints Deliverance Church Israel Jimah World Outreach Inc. 3760 N First St. Fresno CA 93726
What is Healing Moments?Healing moments is the radio and television outreach arm of our ministry reaching people with the love and power of Jesus Christ around the world. Presently we reach over 30 million people each week through radio and television in America, Liberia, Pakistan and beyond. Jesus is doing amazing things through healing moments every single week, saving, healing, delivering transforming and building up His people around the world. We organize healing moments rallies from city to city watch for a rally coming to a city near you.
What is Healing Moments Rally?Healing Moments Rallies are our mobile crusades from city to city where we minister the saving, healing and delivering power of God to precious people. In these rallies Jesus performs great miracles and transforms many lives. Watch out for a rally coming to a city near you.
© 2015 by Victorious Saints Deliverance Church Inc.
Jesus is Lord.
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